There has been so much drama going on trying to figure out what Obama believes and what he stands for....An interview done with Cathleen Falsani in 2004 while he was running for U.S senate in Illinois unfolded the truth... about alot ...I just recieved an e-mail and wanted to share it with you all.....
We know that one of the main beliefs of a christian is having a undrstanding who jesus is to us and understanding what Jesus did for us on the cross...EVEYONe can believe in God but as christians believing in Jesus is what makes us different... This is what President Obama had to say :
FALSANI:Who's Jesus to you?
(He laughs nervously)
Jesus is an historical figure for me, and he's also a bridge between God and man, in the Christian faith, and one that I think is powerful precisely because he serves as that means of us reaching something higher.
And he's also a wonderful teacher. I think it's important for all of us, of whatever faith, to have teachers in the flesh and also teachers in history.
Maybe your wondering does President Obama believe in hell?
FALSANI:The conversation stopper, when you say you're a Christian and leave it at that.
OBAMA:Where do you move forward with that?
This is something that I'm sure I'd have serious debates with my fellow Christians about. I think that the difficult thing about any religion, including Christianity, is that at some level there is a call to evangelize and prostelytize. There's the belief, certainly in some quarters, that people haven't embraced Jesus Christ as their personal savior that they're going to hell.
FALSANI:You don't believe that?
OBAMA:I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell.
I can't imagine that my God would allow some little Hindu kid in India who never interacts with the Christian faith to somehow burn for all eternity.
That's just not part of my religious makeup.
Part of the reason I think it's always difficult for public figures to talk about this is that the nature of politics is that you want to have everybody like you and project the best possible traits onto you. Oftentimes that's by being as vague as possible, or appealing to the lowest commong denominators. The more specific and detailed you are on issues as personal and fundamental as your faith, the more potentially dangerous it is.
Does he believe in Heaven maybe ???
FALSANI:Do you believe in heaven?
OBAMA:Do I believe in the harps and clouds and wings?
FALSANI:A place spiritually you go to after you die?
OBAMA:What I believe in is that if I live my life as well as I can, that I will be rewarded. I don't presume to have knowledge of what happens after I die. But I feel very strongly that whether the reward is in the here and now or in the hereafter, the aligning myself to my faith and my values is a good thing.
When I tuck in my daughters at night and I feel like I've been a good father to them, and I see in them that I am transferring values that I got from my mother and that they're kind people and that they're honest people, and they're curious people, that's a little piece of heaven.
My Opinion: It blew me away because so many christians only saw the word Christian and saw the color black and that was there vote. But now that clearly by what he said we True believers know that he is not a Christian because :
1. He does not recognize Jesus Christ for who he is ( Believes there is a higher power)
2. He does not believe in Hell
3. He does not believe in Heaven
All of the main things that a Christian stands on
absolutely not....Our God has the power and in the end every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. No matter what the circumstances looks like right now...I believe that with the prayers of true believers ..Obama will experience the presence and power of God that he will not be able to deny. He will have an encounter with God that will change his life forever ...are we to judge him NO..but we are to stand on TRUth and have a righteous anger about what the ememy is trying to do...WHAT will you do about it??? Now is the time to war!!