Text messaging is the most popular thing to do now days. Its the easiest form of communication. Its almost like a bag of Lays potato chips you cant just eat one..Its the same way with texting you may not be talking to the person but every word that they say is going into your eye gates. Depending on the conversation it effects your Mind your body and your spirit.
Answer truthfully:::
I want you to stop for a minute and think...How much do I text a day?
How much time do I spend with God or reading my word?
If the hours you spend text messaging out way the hours that you spend with God ..then you might need to consider spending more time with God.
I'm not just saying this just to be saying it... these are the same questions that I had to ask myself
No longer can we be "textually active" but God must be our first Love
a lot of people get so consumed in text messages that their unaware of the things around them. The enemy will use anything that he can to get you mind off focus...thus we have car accidents
Is there anything wrong with texting..NO
but if it gets all of your time or could possibly put someone else in danger then you need to reconsider whats important in your life...
1 comment:
If only we could see how much time we really give to the world but not to God. We make excuses all the time. it goes back to we reap what we sow. or What you do in secret will be rewarded in to open. If the things of the world gets your attendtion more than God gets your attendtion them it shows in our walk with the Father. Most of the time the people on the other side of that phone or text they not pushing us closer to God. So this is a great revelation! Crystal. God gives you powerful thing to write about that hit this generation. You have been called to walk at high standard. To much is given much is required!
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