About Me

Romans 12:2 says "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." We are a generation of Radical young believers who dare to be different.We are a group of young people who seperate ourselves from everything this world has to offer and pursue a lifestyle of worship, fasting & prayer. We make an effort to transform others wherever we go allowing the power of God to manifest in us so that others might be set free. If you would like more information on how to become a member of the Elishamovement team send an email to elishamovement@hotmail.com

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wasted Life & "Unashamed"

A wasted life and Unashamed...

What would it be like to simply just waste our lives for Jesus? Even in our weak attempts to love Him He embraced the cross and He did all for the sake of love. A powerful man said something that I will never forget " I am not ashamed of where I am because I know where I'm going" My heart leaps every time I hear it because that's the cry of my heart. Wasting your life becomes easy when you know where your going and your not ashamed of the obstacles that you face. You may not have all the answers but you have found a love that is so much greater than the temporary pleasures of this world.

It blows my mind how God takes the things that the world considers as "waste" and He uses them to change the nations and bring revival to a generation... When is the last time the world didn't approve of you? or are you just like them.Do we really understand what we say when we say "I waste my life for Jesus" these our powerful words and they will be tried. It is simply not about the trying of these words but it is the heart behind the person who says them. How many times have you heard someone say "I Love you?" and when it came down to it their words meant nothing.

I've have come to know the one who's Love is pure and undefiled and Hes looking for those who will forsake all for the sake of Love. We will never know love until we know God because that is His very being.The very nature of who He is. Don't be ashamed to waste your life for Jesus becauseHe wasn't ashamed to waste His for you...Selah

Monday, January 17, 2011


Today I want to take you on my journey of freedom.The Lord has been sharing with me that in order for the book of my life to be opened my life must become an open book. Not just for me to see but for the world to see.I have learned not to be ashamed of where I am, because where I am going is far greater than what my natural eyes can see. This blog is not because everything inside of me desires to share with you..but it is for Freedom. Every time I open my mouth I make the enemy a liar and today is exactly what I am doing.
Wow so this Sunday service at The Furnace was completely amazing. After service Our Pastor told us that she felt like that she needed to let anyone who needs to stay behind to receive prayer stay behind. I knew that for a couple of weeks that fear and thoughts of failure had been trying to bring me down. I remember grabbing my things and getting ready to walk to the car and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said" Do you want to be free?" I said Yes and I put my things down and sat on the floor. As I was sitting there a flood of thoughts came to my mind: You will never be free, you might as well just get up, ha ha the same people that you sitting on the floor with is the same ones that you minister to BIG FAILURE. Maybe you never had these thoughts but I will be honest for you ..they come! So I just began to pray and build myself up to silence the voices. Then I heard a voice still small voice say to me "Daughter today not only do I set you free from the opinions of others but failure today I break failure off of you." Then I heard this other voice call me and it was my Pastor and she was sitting in front of a lady and she said I was sitting here asking God who is to pray for her and he said you. It completely blew my mind because here I am sitting on the floor with thoughts of being a failure but yet the Lord wants to use me? Many times we feel like that God cant use us because of the issues that we face in life but I have come to know the one who takes the foolish things and use them. All this is to say that never let the enemy tell you that because of the issues that you face that you are the only one facing them and that it makes you disqualify ed. I think about when Peter denied Jesus I'm sure he felt horrible but the Lord said "upon this rock I will build my church. The enemy would love to make you feel like your the only one and that somethings wrong with you. The truth is that Jesus died for everything that we face be the rock that he builds upon and refuse to allow the enemy to tell you any different. I hope this testimony blesses you

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The TRUTH is .. you still want me??

Dear Beloved,

The Truth still and will always remain the same.. He still wants you right where you are. Yes, in that weak and broken place. Oh if we would just learn how to think rightly about Him. He never leaves us alone. Its amazing how he desperately chases after our hearts. What hinders us from loving the God who is love? I've come to the knowledge that it is only the very fact that we can't wrap our human minds around the thought that there is actually someone who loves us beyond measure. This is no worldly love its something so profound but yet so alive. We must take time to seek after the TRUTH of the Fathers heart. The God who was and the God who is and will forever be. He is the most consistent person that we will ever meet.Truth is and will always remain the same.. God still wants you no matter where you are. The God we serve is not like man and all though we have the knowledge of this, we lack the understanding within our hearts. He does not want you for what He can get out of you but He wants you because there is a desperate pursuit in His jealous eyes, even before you were in your mothers womb..and He is fighting for our affections that have been taken captive by the lusts of this world. He is leaping over the mountains and abounding over the hills knocking down everything that gets in His way until he reaches you. It would have been nice if He came for those who have it all together but I've got good news He didn't, He came for you and I.Weak and broken. Beloved I tell you the truth is and will always remain the same...He still wants you

Love, Revelation