Today I would like to share with you my journey from Kansas City. I am with some of the youth from my church @ the International House Of Prayer and all I can say is WOW. This is the second day and it is already blowing my mind. This is a place where its 24 hours of prayer, where healing and deliverance takes place. Yesterday we had a chance to sit in on a worship service after Mike Bickle was done teaching on the book of revelations. It was one particular song played that touched my heart very deeply. It was called [[Jesus, lover of my soul]]. That song that really touched my heart really deeply because it showed just how deep Gods love for us goes. Its deeper than we can ever think or imagine. When we think about the way God loves us UNCONDITIONALLY, its kind of hard to wrap our minds around. As this song was playing the Holy Spirit made me examine my heart and he spoke to me and said"what can separate you from the love of God?" All these things began to flash before me and my spirit was overwhelmed by the presence of God. I began to deal with those things in my heart that was not pleasing to his eyes. God even allowed me to see walls that I had put up with him that I didn't even know was there. His love does not compare to mans love. He will never leave us ....that's just how good of a God he is. In the midst of our sin our selfishness he can still LOVE us. He revealed to me that there were things in my life that separated me from his love [[Heart Strings]], Things that may not necessarily be sins but it separates us from the father. I encourage you to take the time and examine your heart and if there is ANYTHING that you can think of that can separate you from Gods love I challenge you to do something you have never done to get something from a God who is more than what you will ever have ...Part II coming soon stay tuned with me on this journey
He won't relent/give up/stop until He has your entrie heart. I pray that as you continue to encounter his love while in KC that every heart string is cut and your heart is totally in his hands! Can't wait to see the love-sick Crystal when she returns! OPEN UP!!!
Psalm 26:2 "Test me, O Lord, and try me; examine my heart and mind."
I pray the Spirit of David continues to fall upon you as you go on this journey into the intimate chambers of God's heart. I'm so happy you are walking in destiny right now, Crystal. Nothing can separate you from what God has always wanted for you... the captivating embrace of love from your Bridegroom. Love you.
The Love of the Father! WOW. We all have to stay before the Lord and allow Him to cleanse us of all things that hinder us from seeing Him and knowing Him. In Joel it says "rend our hearts and not our garments!". Continue to let him into those secret places. Into those deep chambers of your heart and allow His love to cleanse you. Remember let conviction come but rebuke all condemnation from man or even from yourself. He loves you Crystal that is why you had to make this trip! I love you but not as much as the FATHER! NO LOVE CAN COMPARE! I am in that place with the Father. WE must understand His Love is not LIKE man.
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