I am a girl who searched for love in all the wrong places
Me and my family moved to virginia I hated it when I first moved..I was mad at the world. The first 3 months me and my sisters stayed in a shelter...
At the age of 13 I lost my virginity ...sex was my drug of choice I was mad at the world and very rebellious.I started skipping school to have sex looking for this love. I've fell into pornography and masturbation...Looking for this love. I go to the doctor and they tell me that I have an STD. They give me a pill but I threw up because my stomach cant hold it only to find out that its still there ...Finally its gone ...But my addiction to sex is still there. I am in church all at the same time singing to God but dieing on the inside.day after day being forced to deal with this issue but never having the GUTS. One night I decided that I would run away with a guy and never come back ...leave everything I've ever known.. as I'm sitting there in the park with tears running down my face ...I literally see demons running around it PITCH black and for some reason I couldnt move. ....I waited I waited I waited ..but he never came ...I sat there and an angel stood right before me...encounter that I cant deny and told me to go home..some how I found the strength to get up and that angel was with me every step of the way....I was saying to myself I cant go home.....so I walked home a slep in the car ..that was first time i ever experienced the power of God
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