Dear Beloved,
The Truth still and will always remain the same.. He still wants you right where you are. Yes, in that weak and broken place. Oh if we would just learn how to think rightly about Him. He never leaves us alone. Its amazing how he desperately chases after our hearts. What hinders us from loving the God who is love? I've come to the knowledge that it is only the very fact that we can't wrap our human minds around the thought that there is actually someone who loves us beyond measure. This is no worldly love its something so profound but yet so alive. We must take time to seek after the TRUTH of the Fathers heart. The God who was and the God who is and will forever be. He is the most consistent person that we will ever meet.Truth is and will always remain the same.. God still wants you no matter where you are. The God we serve is not like man and all though we have the knowledge of this, we lack the understanding within our hearts. He does not want you for what He can get out of you but He wants you because there is a desperate pursuit in His jealous eyes, even before you were in your mothers womb..and He is fighting for our affections that have been taken captive by the lusts of this world. He is leaping over the mountains and abounding over the hills knocking down everything that gets in His way until he reaches you. It would have been nice if He came for those who have it all together but I've got good news He didn't, He came for you and I.Weak and broken. Beloved I tell you the truth is and will always remain the same...He still wants you
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