A wasted life and Unashamed...
What would it be like to simply just waste our lives for Jesus? Even in our weak attempts to love Him He embraced the cross and He did all for the sake of love. A powerful man said something that I will never forget " I am not ashamed of where I am because I know where I'm going" My heart leaps every time I hear it because that's the cry of my heart. Wasting your life becomes easy when you know where your going and your not ashamed of the obstacles that you face. You may not have all the answers but you have found a love that is so much greater than the temporary pleasures of this world.
It blows my mind how God takes the things that the world considers as "waste" and He uses them to change the nations and bring revival to a generation... When is the last time the world didn't approve of you? or are you just like them.Do we really understand what we say when we say "I waste my life for Jesus" these our powerful words and they will be tried. It is simply not about the trying of these words but it is the heart behind the person who says them. How many times have you heard someone say "I Love you?" and when it came down to it their words meant nothing.
I've have come to know the one who's Love is pure and undefiled and Hes looking for those who will forsake all for the sake of Love. We will never know love until we know God because that is His very being.The very nature of who He is. Don't be ashamed to waste your life for Jesus becauseHe wasn't ashamed to waste His for you...Selah