Maybe you say:: "I didn't ask for God to choose me to lead a nation"
MY ANSWER:: " Jesus didn't ask to die for your sins"
God knew you and he still does so let go of those friends that you know aren't helping your realtionship with God ....
I know....I know -- maybe sometimes you feel like there is something missing ..::NEWS FLASH::: it is .....GOD is the only one that can feel that void in your life
Doing hard things is what its all about :::ITS BIGGER THAN YOU SO BURN BABY BURN .........
Why can't the "normal teenager" be a teen burning for Jesus? If He created us in His image, then it should come natural to burn for Him. And if it comes natural, then its normal and everything else is abnormal. Who has betwitched this generation and those to come? Lucifer himself has lied to them and sent his flame of lust, hate, rebellion and more, upon them. But He did not factor in the Blood of Jesus is still flowing after 2000 years and it cannot be stopped!
So I say to you "called out" ones---ARISE and run after Jesus!!!!!
Bigger Than ME! That is what I am telling myself. You kow what I get out of the revelation of being a BURNING ONE is that you are on fire. When was the last time you show someone on fire and they just chilling. No! It is uncomfortable to be on fire. God is calling us to a place that we are not comfortable. Not comfortable just going to church and never changing. Not comfortable with just exisiting! Lord help me to be a burning one!
Crystal, YOU are an amazing young woman, I pray your FIRE never burns out (and mine too!), this is Angela's roomie :o) I have 2 blogs, but have been so busy, I haven't posted in a while!
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