Please check out this article about a movement of young adults on the rise with Jesus as the center. Although I do not attend this ministry I love to see other ministries grow in their love for Jesus and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through creativity. Feel free to leave your thoughts and comments!
P4CM -
P4CM or the Passion for Christ Movement
P4CM, the acronym for the Passion for Christ Movement, is a modern youth ministry group. It is a 501c3 non-profit organization that has a tie to a church in the Los Angeles area. Its influence is felt by people in many areas of the United States and the world due to an online presence and numerous events associated with it.
Scripture based teachings
This group follows Bible-based teachings and seeks to spread their message by using different formats that include hip hop music from prominent and upcoming artists, as well as poetry readings. The group addresses different issues of concern to people with the backdrop of religious teachings. These teachings can take a variety of formats and may answer questions that many people have about the Bible or Christian philosophy in general. Since many people have questions about how to live a Godly life in today’s society, these topics are ones that people may find highly relevant. The format is one that is modern yet has ancient wisdom.
Music as a vehicle for religious teaching
Many people learn about the ministry by hearing one of the artists perform or by attending one of the events with a friend or family member. There are different kinds of events going on at all times but one of the most requested is the RHETORIC style, which can be held in different locations.
Another way that this group disseminates information is to use Youtube videos. There are quite a few performances by hip hop artists, sermons and other selections available from this group. This helps to make information available to anyone, anywhere, at any time. People that have heard of the group but are not necessarily familiar with it will often review the different videos on Youtube prior to becoming more involved with the group.
The group also has events like seminars to help people develop leadership skills. These events can be found on the website calendar but people may also be interested in watching videos from previous events.
What’s on the website?
The P4CM website is a rich source of information for people that are interested in learning more about the Bible and Christianity. There are quite a few different resources that include music videos, seminars, advice and information articles, a phone app, links to videos on Youtube and a calendar of events. People will also find links for social media for the group that include Facebook and Twitter.
About Me
- Elisha Movement
- Romans 12:2 says "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." We are a generation of Radical young believers who dare to be different.We are a group of young people who seperate ourselves from everything this world has to offer and pursue a lifestyle of worship, fasting & prayer. We make an effort to transform others wherever we go allowing the power of God to manifest in us so that others might be set free. If you would like more information on how to become a member of the Elishamovement team send an email to
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
The Heart of Eucharisteo
Today I received a message that said "Let us contend for a heart of Eucharisteo" of course because I had never heard the word my curiosity lead me on a journey of and eye opening discovery. The original term used, means thanksgiving. The root words within eucharisteo: Charis meaning grace and Chara meaning joy.Ann Voskamp said a profound statement about this particular word." I will never experience the fullness of my salvation until I expressed the fullness of my thanks everyday." Have you ever thought about how easy it is to go throughout your day and simply never stop and give God thanks for what we call to be very little things.As I really began to take a look deep into this word and individually look at myself. I believe that this is something that I must challenge myself to grow in. Without thankfulness it becomes easy to focus on everything that is not going right in your life instead of focusing all of that energy on giving God the thankful it makes it easier to reach out and love those around us.One thing that I have come to discover about thankfulness is that "I" can not exist. Which leaves no room for me to ever focus on myself. To experience the fullness of Jesus Christ we must be committed to hearts of thankfulness. I encourage you today to commit to having a heart of Eucharisteo with me let us contend together. LOVE YOU ALL!
lory. There are several passages in the bible that speak about thanksgiving and not just when things are going well but also in the difficult times. Thanksgiving is not just something that needs to be brought back into our hearts individually but corporately as the body of Christ. When we are
lory. There are several passages in the bible that speak about thanksgiving and not just when things are going well but also in the difficult times. Thanksgiving is not just something that needs to be brought back into our hearts individually but corporately as the body of Christ. When we are
Thursday, April 18, 2013
I am burdened with the state of the American Church. But more so undone by the wretchedness of my heart. The church has become comfortable in our state of sin, hypocrisy and compromise. I believe that one of the few burdens that I carry is specifically for the state of those who are in church and believe because they say a prayer one time but continue to live comfortable sin filled lives they are saved. What give us the audacity to believe that we can come before a Holy God any kind of way? Luke warm Churchianity is what its called.
“It means that the focus of the religion [what is supposed to be Christianity] has shifted from Christ to the church. Instead of total reliance upon Christ for salvation, sanctification, Christian growth, and spiritual nourishment, adherents of Churchianity rely on the church to an equal or even greater extent for these things. The central difference between Churchianity and Christianity is that Christ is at the center of Christianity, while the church is at the center or Churchianity. Of course those who practice “Churchianity” still consider themselves Christians and probably would deny that the word Churchianity describes their religion; yet, when all of the facts are considered, their religion bears greater resemblance to “Churchianity” than Christianity because of the undue focus given to the church in their religious devotion. So, in theory these professed Christians claim loyalty to Christ, but in practice they are actually loyal to their church. For, when it comes to loyalty in actual practice, “churchians” would rather depart from Christ, Himself, [they would rather depart from the truth of His Word, His teachings, and His doctrine] than forsake their church. Sadly, their church is at the center of their religious devotion; it has stolen their hearts; to it they have pledged their undying allegiance. In Churchianity, we find the church elevated to a position far above even that of their professed Savior.”
This is what is beginning to take precedence in the lives of the church in America. We would rather be comfortable and never commit to living lifestyles that cause us to change so that the world can see the real reason why we claim to go to church in the first place. After the fancy lighting and the awesome worship team ..If Jesus Christ is not the center then what’s the point? After we have done all of our workshops, conferences and come up with every strategy in the world to get people to come to our churches. If JESUS CHRIST is not what we are presenting then we must reevaluate what we have made him out to be. The truth of the matter is we have brought the bible into the church rather than the church into the bible. We have made church everything else but what its suppose to be. Half of the things that we have taken on as Christianity are far from the word of God.
Here are some practical things that I believe can show you if you fit Churchianity
Do you ever open your bible and read it outside of church services?
Do you share the gospel?
Do you have a prayer life outside of whatever prayer movement your in?
Are you making Disciples?
Are you convicted of your sin?
Do you omit Gods word to justify your sin or someone elses? EX: Homosexuality, Fornication, Clubbing, drinking, pride, rebellion, lust
As long as you’ve been a Christian have you experienced any growth?
Do you help the widows and the orphans?
Are you lying to yourself…..???
Those are just some of the many questions you can use to evaluate YOURSELF. This is something that I had to do. Realizing that I need to realign myself with what matters the most and that’s Jesus Christ. Not just with lip service but with my lifestyle. What I am trying to get you to realize is that all because you go to church and claim to be saved does not mean that this can not be you! Many in the body of Christ have been deceived in thinking this way. We have made church a cool thing to do on Sundays rather than a place were we can go and grow in the word and LIVE IT OUT!
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6
Matthew 7:15-20 (NKJV) “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them
Galatians 1:6-9 (NKJV) I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
University Suspends Student for Refusing to Stomp On Jesus Name
According to Charisma News:
"A Florida Atlantic University student has been suspended for refusing to trample on Jesus' name.
According to Ryan Rotela, a Mormon, his Intercultural Communications professor forced his students to write “Jesus” on a piece of paper and then stomp on it as part of a “lesson in debating.” Rotela refused, picked up the paper from the floor and placed it back on the table."
My opinion: These are the things that we as believers should be concerned about. We take a stand for everything that we want but when it comes to the things of God we would rather be silent and passive. I commend this young man for not only his bravery but also for not denying Jesus. We think that denying Jesus means we verbally say that we don't believe in Him, but our actions can deny Jesus as well. What puzzles me is how many other people in the room professed to believe in Jesus Christ and kept silent.
"But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven." Matthew 10:33
For this to even be in a school curriculum shows us what the world is coming to. I also wonder why if this is suppose to be a diverse activity, why were other religions not asked to be written on the paper? Why didn't they use Muhammad? While I am a strong believer of Jesus Christ there is one thing about other religions that we as Christians lack and that's the willingness to fight for what we know to be true. When are we as believers going to rise up and not just see this as a horrible story that happened to someone else? This Jesus Christ that they want to step on is not just a name on a piece of paper,He is the one you profess to believe in! If we as Christians say we believe in Jesus then we should be willing to take a stand with Him. We will not and can not settle for half hearted devotion.. or what some may call the "Half way House" not all in for Jesus but not all out for sin either. I believe that the Lord is speaking through this situation. Jesus is the real deal and that's why the world hates Him. We must refuse to come into agreement with what the world says about our King. He will return for His bride will you be ready??? would love to hear your thoughts !
"But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven." Matthew 10:33
For this to even be in a school curriculum shows us what the world is coming to. I also wonder why if this is suppose to be a diverse activity, why were other religions not asked to be written on the paper? Why didn't they use Muhammad? While I am a strong believer of Jesus Christ there is one thing about other religions that we as Christians lack and that's the willingness to fight for what we know to be true. When are we as believers going to rise up and not just see this as a horrible story that happened to someone else? This Jesus Christ that they want to step on is not just a name on a piece of paper,He is the one you profess to believe in! If we as Christians say we believe in Jesus then we should be willing to take a stand with Him. We will not and can not settle for half hearted devotion.. or what some may call the "Half way House" not all in for Jesus but not all out for sin either. I believe that the Lord is speaking through this situation. Jesus is the real deal and that's why the world hates Him. We must refuse to come into agreement with what the world says about our King. He will return for His bride will you be ready??? would love to hear your thoughts !
for the full story on this matter please click the link:
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Americanized God ..
I'm sitting here as I began to talk to the Lord I couldn't help but become overwhelmed to think just maybe I could be wrong about the things that I have made God out to be..The more I begin to read His word and look at the world around me, the more I see that my perspective of God is someone what faulty and not built on the solid truth of who He really is ..Instead it is who I've made Him out to be. Fitting my own fleshly materialistic box. Have you ever thought to yourself what if you too have been lying about God? am I closer to carnality than I actually am to Him?
According to the Greek dictionary, it means to have the nature and characteristics of the flesh (or more simply, it means “fleshly”). What, then , is the flesh? Sometimes it refers to the whole material part of man 1 Corinthians 5:9, Hebrews 5:37 and based on this meaning, carnal sometimes relates to material things like money Romans 15:27 or to the opposite of our weapons of spiritual warfare 2 Corinthians 10:4. But the word flesh also has a metaphorical sense when it refers to our disposition to sin and to oppose or omit God in our lives.
I get so overwhelmed when I think about American Christianity because a large portion of the body of Christ including myself have made God fit their standards and ways of life vs them fitting His standards and ways of life. That is why it is easy for us to ask Him for material possessions and if we ever had to live amongst those who were poor we would honestly feel like that something was wrong with us. The church has told us that the more money, and material possessions that we have that means we are blessed by God. What do you say to the orphans widows and the rest of the world who lives well below what we consider poverty here in America? but yet God is known in such a tangible way in those places because they aren't surrounded by "STUFF". We have the freedom to carry our bibles and even to share the gospel openly with others and we don't do it! We think that we are doing God a favor by even showing our faces at church on a Sunday and get mad at the preachers if the service is a minute too long because we need to go EAT!
While all these things are true I am sure that there are others that the Lord are going to raise up within this nation to speak truth and awaken this generation from out of their slumber. Its time that we get serious with ourselves and with God. Jesus will return for His bride and all because we go to church on Sunday it will not give us a free ticket to heaven ....
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Stop feeling Sorry for Yourself & do something for God!

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Have you ever thought to yourself "Man I'm such a failure?" Ever felt like no matter what you do nothing seems to go right? Well I certaintly have and I am here to tell you beloved you are suffering from what I like to call a dangerous dose of self-pity and selfishness and oh yeah don't forget our buddy pride. Yeah... that's right way to crash your party right? While most may be intrigued by this blog because of the title ..this is no feel good message. You would assume that the proper response for this would be to tell you that everythings going to be ok, just keep on beleieving and you will get through it eventually.WRONG ANSWER! dont get me wrong words of encouragment are great and a very much so needed within the body but sometimes we also need someone to really tell us the truth about ourselves so that we can wake up and realize that while we are spending time navel gazing someone is dying on our watch. Truth is no matter how many times someone tells you your not a failure until you change your mind you will still feel the same This deadly diesase has come to sit on many in the body of Christ so that we will stay complacent and never do anything for God. You can't fix yourself nor will waddling in self-pity help you break free. We do not serve a God that can not sympathize with us in our weaknesses (Hebrews 4:10). Which means everything that your going through it has a purpose. People are dying on our watches as we sit and navel gaze on things that we can not change.I want to encourage you not to live hope.We are truly living in the last days when many will turn away from the faith because of hopelessness and discouragment. Gird up the lions of your mind, get serious and do something for God!! People are dying and there is a war going on. Now is not the time to feel sorry for yourself but now is the time to stand firm get in theWord find out what God says about you and overcome! Feel free to share your experience :)
- 1 Peter 1:13 Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.
- Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
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