Wednesday night Encounter God service at the Garner Prayer Furnace:
As we sat down and prepared to recieve a teaching from our Apostle there was antcipation on what was to be shared. Hungry for the word! She began telling us that the Lord had given her a word for us corporately and everyone sat attentive ready to hear the word from the Lord. As I pulled out my notebook and bible I was eager to hear what the word was. She began by saying that "corporately this is something that God desires to bring to our attention as we transition into our prayer furnace" and then the word GLUTTONY came out. Immediately the room fell dead silent.so silent infact that you could have heard a piece of paper drop on the carpet. Automatically my mind began to come up with many different excuses why this wasn't me before the message even started but as she began talking I realized that it was very much indeed me.
Gluttony is an area that many don't like to talk about nor actually sit and take the time to examine if it is indeed operating within our beings.It is not talked about alot within the body of Christ because we would much rather preach a message on the love of God rather than a message that will set the captive free.
Have you ever took the time .. really.. to just sit and think about if this may be something that is operating in your own life. Here are some things to give you to think about
- How much money do you spend on feeding your flesh
- How many times a week do you fast?
- Do you eat large portions even when your not hungry?
- Do you find yourself eating when your going through a rough time?
- Do you have secret stashes of food hidden away?
These are some of the few examples that we had to face within ourselves
PHI 3:19 Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and
their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things.
* If that wasn't juicy enough for you lets read the message version ..
PHI 3:19 Stick with me, friends. Keep track of those you see running this same course, headed for this same goal. There are many out there taking other paths, choosing other goals, and trying to get you to go along with them. I've warned you of them many times; sadly, I'm having to do it again. All they want is easy street. They hate Christ's Cross. But easy street is a dead-end street. Those who live there make their bellies their gods; belches are their praise; all they can think of is their appetites.
One of the fruits of the Spirit is SELF-CONTROL. Whenever we can't contol our appetites,turn down our plates and position our hearts to become closer to God then the sins that come to entice us will always win. Gluttony is not just about eating to much it affects every area of our lives.It is something that is so overlooked that it has become normal.
I hope that you will continue to follow me as I take you on my Journey of freedom from gluttony.
-30 days
Thousands upon thousands in the Body of Christ are dying in the sin of self-deception due to being engrossed in the sin of gluttony. Sodom was destroyed because of this sin and you can't have gluttony without Pride alongside to convince you otherwise.
The average church come together and worship, pretend all is well, listen to 30 min of word, rush from the church building and go EAT! Never stopping to ask the Lord what He wants them to do. Yet they say they love Him and want to please Him.....ha, ha, ha!
PLEASE give us more until the TRUTH smacks us 180 degrees...selah
This is all too true! The love of food and pleasure results in an almost non-existence of fasting in today's church. Satan will use anything to keep us from the fullness of Christ... yes, including an addiction to food! I am seeing the ugly truth of this first hand as I battle this problem and attempt to draw nearer to Christ through fasting.
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