You may be looking at my title and wondering whats this all about. Well this was the title of an article handout at our ministry from a passage in a book.Immediately looking at the title it makes you want to read further just to see what the answer is to the question.Well I will just start out by telling you that the answer is absolutely yes. Now this answer will shake the foundation of everything you once thought about. Yes, He is loving, merciful,compassionate. But we also know that He is jealous for all of our affections. Anything that attempts to stand in the way of the affections that we are to have for Him. He will not relent until He has our full and undivided attention. Have you ever been a really hard situation and your rebuking the enemy and it just seems as if your not getting any type of break through? Sometimes its not always the enemy its God. He will do whatever necessary to get our attention and if it means that He has to shake up everything in our lives to do so He will. A lot of times its not the enemy but its the hand of God tugging at our hearts and to give us a dose of reality. The TRUTH is that God does not need us. We need Him more than anything. It is His hearts desire that we all would accept the invitation to fellowship with Him but unfortunately the ways of the world have become more enticing. We find more pleasure in the things of the world than we actually do spending time with Him.Intoxicated by Babylon, because you say that you are a christian please do not disregard any of these words. Those who love the world do what they do whole heatedly because its what their living their lives for, but if we as Christians still act, think and talk like the world the we are enemies of God.
still don't believe me. well lets go to the word of God:
Matthew 6:24 (kjv)
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
mammon is another word for worldiness.So basically the scripture is saying that it is absolutely impossible to serve God and love the world. No matter how you try to make it fit into your Christan walk. It absolutely will not work.
Its almost like being in a marriage. If you are married and you are seeing someone else on the side it is impossible to love your spouse whole heatedly if your not full committed and that's the same way it is with serving God. If we are luke warm with one foot in the world and one foot in Christ we can't serve Him. The desires of the world will always hold more weight than the desire to serve Christ because the road is narrow and it cost you everything. Many aren't willing to give up everything so its easy to settle
I believe that God is calling us to make a decision... right now in this very moment we are to choose this day whom we will serve will we love God or love mammon. If we as believers don't make this crucial decision and turn away from the ways of the world we could very well become enemies of God. Hes called us to walk at a higher standard and if we love Him we obey Him. We find it hard to obey Him because we don't really love Him.
This is just thoughts that have been running in my mind all day. Continue to follow me on this journey and feel free to leave comments.