As believers we forfeit the level of freedom that we were meant to experience because of the way we think.EVERYTHING starts with a thought..but it is what we do with those thoughts good or bad that determine the outcome.When we began to find ourselves as believers walking out ungodly cycles and settling for temporary pleasures we must get honest with ourselves! why do I think the way I think? Why do I even say the things I say?
Matthew 12:34 (NIV) You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.
That scripture says enough all in itself but if you want to see it a little bit deeper check out the message..
Matthew 12:34 (message) "You have minds like a snake pit! How do you suppose what you say is worth anything when you are so foul-minded? It's your heart, not the dictionary, that gives meaning to your words."
This is powerful. It clearly shows you that its impossible to speak things out of your mouth without first thinking about it.
Yes I am about to step on your toes.Have you or someone ever said something really mean to you and then said just joking? Regardless of whether it seemed to be a joke deep down in their heart there was truth to the statement because the thought must take root in the heart first before it ever comes out of the mouth.You may want to think about that next time you say something that you really don't mean...
Why do you think the word of God says that there is death and life in the power of the tongue?Our mouths can be so wicked that they have the power to destroy others. The heart is powerful without it, we can't function.Every time we allow our thoughts to override the Holy Spirit we clog our hearts up and if you have ever seen what cigarettes due to your lungs over a period of time just imagine the thoughts that we think and allow to take root in our hearts become over a period of time.Never mind the fact that on the cigarettes box it lets you know exactly what it will do to you but many choose to ignore it. That's the same way when it comes to our thoughts and the things that we say. The word of God tells us exactly what it will do to us but we choose to overlook it.
Are you tired of getting the same results out of life? well what are you going to do about it? You must change what you do.. and in order to change what you do you have to change the way you think!
Romans 12:2 (NIV) " Don't live any longer the way this world lives. Let your way of thinking be completely changed. Then you will be able to test what God wants for you. And you will agree that what he wants is right. His plan is good and pleasing and perfect."
Romans 12:2 (Message)
Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out.
Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
Well these two scriptures couldn't say it any better. Jesus didn't call them brood of vipers for nothing he understood that whats in your heart plays a big role in who you become. so I encourage you all to allow God to show you these things in your own life and choose to no be conformed. Change your thinking! :)
Romans 12:2 (Message)
Oooooh! That is truth for me. Thank you.
Help Me Jesus, Thank you for truth!!
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