Religon is a terrible diease that is killing off many in the body of Christ ......... do you agree..???? whats your opinion on this? It's not only killing the leaders,ministers, teachers,dancers,singers and musicans, but it's killing our future.....God is totally out of the box. He is not concerned how you look or how many scriptures you can quote. He's concerned about your heart. Many can look the role, come to church Sunday after Sunday but allow rules of how you can dress, when you can praise God and how you can praise God to rule their lives. This is what teens run away from because it's not REAL .....Teens are smarter than you think....and we sure can spot a fake when we see one. Many teens go to God looking for answers but if you are more concerned with them wearing jeans and a Hollister shirt to church ...then wheres the freedom in that..HELLO...we are searching for answers Truth....don't tell us it's gonna be okay.....tell us the TRUTH